The website itself and its content rightfully belongs to Clarita Beaumont Sanctuary. Re-distribution of the website's content is prohibited unless given the authorization to do so. All rights reserved except for the following:
- Related graphics, links or information provided in this website belongs to the respective companies, developers and producers. Clarita Beaumont Sanctuary takes no credit or ownership over these materials. The respective rightful owners reserved all rights to these materials and is recognized in the Credits section below.
- Related reviews and walkthroughs provided in this website belongs to Clarita Beaumont Sanctuary. Only available for personal use. No unauthorized distribution or sharing without crediting is allowed.
To use the information from this website, it is a must to credit the original owner of the information. As well as, providing a referrer link to this website:
By continuing using this website, you agree that the general disclaimer and copyright notice set out in this website are reasonable.
The credits section is dedicated to the following honorable companies, developers and producers of the games listed in this website. Clarita Beaumont Sanctuary is grateful towards these companies, developers and producers for creating wonderful otome games and non-otome games. All credits and rights reserved belongs to them and Clarita Beaumont Sanctuary claims nothing but with exceptions.
The followings are in alphabetically order. The availability of the links are not in control of Clarita Beaumont Sanctuary and have no representations or warrants on them.
• Aksys Games
• Arithmetic
• Design Factory
• Idea Factory
• Koyonplete
• NTT Solmare Corporation
• Otomate
• Voltage
Clarita Beaumont Sanctuary shall apologize for any missing credits in advance and will update accordingly once informed. Thank you for taking the time to read the following sections.