This is Ruvel's walkthrough from Shall We Date? Angel or Devil+. He is a very protective and shy person. He doesn't talk a lot too. In the beginning, he appeared as a normal human in front of the protagonist and spent time together. He taught the protagonist how to draw and tried cooking as well, which ended up a disaster. Although Ruvel tried to hide his real identity, Latis revealed him and leaving no choice but to confess. He had low alcohol tolerant that he got drunk one day and poured out his true feelings. On the last day, they went to watch firework show in Yutakas and had a great time until Reiner showed up. Ruvel was dragged back to the realm of dead for punishment. What will become of Ruvel?

Note that the choices below are specifically chosen to get the highest intimacy and all the main story CGs. It will definitely lead you to the happy ending~ However, it will not reach sweet ending unless using 1 True Love before the final chapter. (Buy 10 coupons for 1000 Souls in exchange for a true love.) Anyway, please take note that the charm level checkpoint varies according to the number of routes you're playing.
Chapter 1
...turn my head away
+CG...turn my head away
Chapter 2
It's not a waste
Judgement Gate: Devil's Whisper
Let's draw together
Chapter 3
I cut my finger
Leave him be
Chapter 4
Judgement Gate: Angel's Scale - Piece of Justice x 1
Chase after Ruvel
Ask him to wait
Chapter 5
Judgement Gate: Reaper's Mood - 25% Success Rate
Ask about my soul +CG
I was scared
Chapter 6
Would you like to go?
Judgement Gate: Devil's Whisper
Okay, but no funny business
Chapter 7
I'm telling you it's similar!
Judgement Gate: Angel's Scale - Piece of Justice x 3
I do
Chapter 8
Want to look at other things?
Explain your feelings
Judgement Gate: Reaper's Mood - 25% Success Rate
Chapter 9
Judgement Gate: Angel's Scale - Piece of Justice x 5
Protect Ruvel
Kiss him
Chapter 10
To finish my painting
Okay, I won't worry
Judgement Gate: Angel's Scale - Piece of Justice x 7
Happy Ending +CG
Super Happy Ending +CG
Everything shared is purely for entertainment purpose and all credits goes to the publishers and developers. No copyright infringement intended.
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