5 May 2017

Samurai Love Ballad: PARTY [Uesugi Kenshin's Walkthrough]

This is Uesugi Kenshin's walkthrough from Samurai Love Ballad: PARTY. His route is shared with Takeda Shingen, thus the first 3 episodes are divided equally. 

Episode 1

I: (Am I the one to do this?) +Shingen
II: "I'd be glad to help." +Kenshin

I: Explain yourself. +Shingen
II: Wait it out. +Kenshin

Episode 2

I: Proceed, but warily. +Kenshin
II: Confide in him completely. +Shingen

I: Say nothing. +Kenshin
II: "I wonder about that..." +Shingen

Episode 3

I: "I can't come with you." +Shingen
II: "You really don't mind?" +Kenshin

I: "I'll go." +Shingen
II: "This really is hard, isn't it..." +Kenshin

Love - Salmon Pink Hakama (3 Pearls) + Illustration*
Fate - Salmon Pink Sandals (1 Pearl or 500 Coins)

*Illustration is a shared portrait.* 

Episode 4

II: Try to stop him.
I: "Really?"

Story Mission - 100 Skill Points

Episode 5

II: "That would work..."
II: "Your garden is beautiful."

Love - Worker's Clothes (8 Pearls)
Fate - Maid's Kerchief (5 Pearls or 2,500 Coins)

Episode 6

I: "Thank you."
I: "I'm worried..."

Episode 7

I: "Let's bring Lord Kagetsugu."
II: Say nothing.

Story Mission - 8,000 Skill Points

Episode 8

I: "Let's organize it."
II: "In what way?"

Episode 9

I: "No problem."
I: "You're bleeding."

Love - Maiden's Kimono (12 Pearls)
Fate - Lilac Furoshiki (8 Pearls or 4,000 Coins)

Episode 10

II: Get him new chopsticks.
I: Stare at him.

Story Mission - 25,000 Skill Points

Episode 11

II: Look at Lord Kenshin.
I: Squeeze his hand.

Episode 12

I: "Yeah."
II: "I want you to live too."

Divine Ending - 43,000 Skill Points & 55 Chemistry
Noble Ending - 43,000 Skill Points




Everything shared is purely for entertainment purpose and all credits goes to the publishers and developers. No copyright infringement intended.

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